Propagating ATLA Propaganda - You Paid For It!
One Illinois congresswoman appears to have no problem being propped up by propagating the trial lawyers' propaganda.
Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky, one of the most pro-trial-lawyer legislators in DC, has lifted ATLA propaganda directly from the ATLA website and pasted it directly onto her own (taxpayer-supported) legislative website.
ATLA propaganda sheet on medical malpractice (see highlighted area):
Congresswoman Schakowsky's web-version of the propaganda (see highlighted area):
The least she could do is attribute the propaganda to its misleading source: The Trial Lawyers.
And we - the taxpayers - pay for her site!
Schakowsky was one of the most outspoken floor opponents of the Civil Justice Reform Amendments of 1995 - along with former Rep. Tom Dart, Rep. Lou Lang, Rep. Jay Hoffman, and former Rep. Rod Blagojevich. She's also married to Robert Creamer, former head of the ultra-leftwing Illinois Public Action.
(As Ted Frank points out on, the American Trial Lawyers Association (ATLA)can't win a debate on the medical liability crisis, so they've resorted to pulling the quotes from their poorly-argued stories pushed to the media in 2004.)
Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky, one of the most pro-trial-lawyer legislators in DC, has lifted ATLA propaganda directly from the ATLA website and pasted it directly onto her own (taxpayer-supported) legislative website.
ATLA propaganda sheet on medical malpractice (see highlighted area):

Congresswoman Schakowsky's web-version of the propaganda (see highlighted area):

The least she could do is attribute the propaganda to its misleading source: The Trial Lawyers.
And we - the taxpayers - pay for her site!
Schakowsky was one of the most outspoken floor opponents of the Civil Justice Reform Amendments of 1995 - along with former Rep. Tom Dart, Rep. Lou Lang, Rep. Jay Hoffman, and former Rep. Rod Blagojevich. She's also married to Robert Creamer, former head of the ultra-leftwing Illinois Public Action.
(As Ted Frank points out on, the American Trial Lawyers Association (ATLA)can't win a debate on the medical liability crisis, so they've resorted to pulling the quotes from their poorly-argued stories pushed to the media in 2004.)
Schakowsky should then explain the "non-existent" healthcare crisis to head trauma victims and women in pre-term labor who have to be air-lifted to surrounding states all over southern Illinois due to the lack of practicing neurosurgeons and OB/GYNs. Schakowsky and her bizarre husband at least show where the Democrats in this state firmly stand on this issue. At a minimum this should make Blago, everyone's favorite plaintiff attorney, even more vulnerable in southern Illinois than he already is in the next election. She should also take a gander at opinions like this:
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